

classical-only part of the Direct (or Discrete) Reaction Field (DRF) approach
Current version: 2012.01 (shared with CC-BY-NC license). See also all python tools and the drf90 pages.

Geometry optimization parameters

to be updated soon
OPT block/namelist for Geometry Optimization parameters
Use is made of the Restricted Second Order (RSO) model, which is an improved version of the Newton-Raphson (NR) optimization procedure. The model takes a step on a hyperboundary surface, if the NR-step is larger than trust radius.
Parameter Description Default value
ALPHA Value of parameter to in/decrease trust radius within RSO-model 1.01
HESSCOM Initial value for diagonal element of Hessian for translations 1.0
HESSFLX Initial value for diagonal element of Hessian for flexibles 1.0
NOROT Parameter to indicate whether to optimize rotational part
0 : Optimize rotational part
1 : Do not optimize rotational part
NOTRANS Parameter to indicate whether to optimize translational part
0 : Optimize translational part
1 : Do not optimize translational part
NPUNFRQ Write 'iteration'-file every NPUNFRQ steps 1
NPRINT Write output every NPRINT steps 10
NRSTEPS Maximum number of optimization steps 100
TRUST Initial trust radius for RSO-model (a.u.) 0.5
TSTEP Time step (fs) to be used for optimization of rotational part. 1.0