Usage: getfreqs [-c 100.0] [-s Min] [-t 298.15] [-u kcal] [-v] [-h] [--version] OutputFiles
-c --cutoff Cutoff value: any frequency below that will be replaced by the cutoff value for calculation of entropy (in cm.-1)
-s --struct Either Min (for minimum) or TS (for transition state structure)
-t --temp Temperature to be used in thermodynamics (in K)
-u --unit Unit of energy to be used (default kcal/mol)
kJ kJ/mol
eV eV
cm-1 cm-1
au Hartree
-a --allcol All columns printing (QUILD, ADF, ScanFreq)
-v --verbose Verbose printing
-h --help Help function (this message)
--version Show version of the script
Note: this script does not take into account the spin entropy
For more info, see eq. 3 of
Inorg. Chem. 2002, 41, 6928-6935 (M. Reiher)
Target: Auto Temperature: 298.15 Cut-off vibrations: 100.00
Reporting max. of 5 frequencies (set by $GETFREQSMAX env. variable)
Unit of energy: kcal/mol
Reading 1 outputfiles
Setting target Min for frq_bp86d3_vanadocene_0_2.1255916.out
Setting target Min for frq_bp86d3_vanadocene_0_2.1255916.out
QUILD(1) ADF(2) ADF(2)
100.000 43.641 51.340
100.000 76.421 78.883
100.000 76.421 78.883
259.650 261.533 265.244
318.680 322.242 329.165
(ZPVE) 101.504 101.673 102.008
(Utrn) 0.889 0.889 0.889
(Urot) 0.889 0.889 0.889
(Uvib) 4.142 4.111 4.051
(0->T) 6.512 6.481 6.422
(dH) 108.016 108.154 108.430
(Strn) 41.487 41.487 41.487
(Srot) 25.066 25.066 25.066
(Svib) 23.398 23.230 22.914
(dS) 89.951 89.783 89.467
(-TdStrn) -12.369 -12.369 -12.369
(-TdSrot) -7.473 -7.473 -7.473
(-TdSvib) -6.976 -6.926 -6.832
(-TdS) -26.819 -26.769 -26.674
(dGibbs) 81.197 81.385 81.756
Corresponding output files
1 : frq_bp86d3_vanadocene_0_2.1255916.out
2 : frq_bp86d3_vanadocene_0_2.1255916.out
This frequency output contains the Quild spin-decontaminated frequencies.