

Prepare inputfiles for running ADF/AMS jobs
Current version: 2024.01 (shared with CC-BY-NC license). See also all python tools
Usage: msinp [--adf ADFVERSION] [-t TYPE] [-c CHAR] [-m MULT] [FilesToBeProcessed] Either start from a coordinates file (*.angs/*.xyz) or based on outputfile, do a follow-up calculation (e.g. freqs, spectroscopy). -t TYPE: bodsep Do a BODSEP analysis calculations epr EPR calculation frq Vibrational frequency analysis for thermodynamics fwdrev Followup on frq, forward/reverse optimization to connect TS with reactant and product isotp Isotope effect for freq. calculations, restart from freq. run WITH LABELLED ATOMS (!) lt Linear transit constrained geometry optimization mecp Minimum Energy Crossing Point search moss Mossbauer spectroscopy (see agm2 / agm4 script for getting values from output) nmr NMR spectroscopy opt Geometry optimization raman Resonance Raman frequency analysis sp Single point (generates t21 file) ts Transition state search uv UV-vis absorption spectroscopy (excited states) xas X-Ray Absorption spectroscopy (XANES) -c CHARGE: always use CHARGE (only when initiating with option -i) -m MULTIPLICITY: always use MULTIPLICITY (only when initiating with option -i) --tsid TSID: use TSID as frequency for TSs to be move fwdrev along (default 1) --adf ADFVERSION: 2017 Version 2017.* (and perhaps 2018.*) 2019.1 Version 2019.1xx (does NOT include scf%mixing1) 2019.3 Version 2019.3xx (includes scf%mixing1) 2020 Version 2020 (based on AMS) 2021 Version 2021 (based on AMS) 2022 Version 2022 (based on AMS) 2023 Version 2023 (based on AMS) (default: 2019.3)