Usage: pesplot [-b IB] [-c] [-e G] [-h HEADER] [-o IDOR] [-p IDPAL] [-r] [-ts IDTS] [-u UNIT] [..technical-options..] files
-b IB Indicator if the barrier should be computed globally or per PES profile
0 Compute per PES profile
1 Compute globally (default)
-c Convert units from kcal/mol to a different one,
if a different energy unit is chosen with -u option.
Normally, the tool assumes that the energy values are already in that unit.
This option allows for using kcal/mol based energy files to be plotted in e.g. eV.
-e G Label for the energy type (default G for Gibbs free energy).
This text is plotted on the Y-axis label.
-h HEADER Possibility to use your own header instead of the default one:
1 Use $MSXC/pesplot/header1*.gnu (font 18, thickness 3/8)
2 Use $MSXC/pesplot/header2*.gnu (font 24, thickness 4/11) (default)
3 Use $MSXC/pesplot/header3*.gnu (font 30, thickness 5/14)
FILE Use your own FILE
-o IDOR Choose orientation of the plot:
2 Portrait
1 Landscape (default)
-p IPAL Choose out of a number of
color palettes to plot the PES lines (default 10).
Use one of the 12 predefined palettes or define your own in the file IPAL.
-r Plot using rounded lines to connect the stationary points.
Default is to plot using squared lines.
-ts IDTS Use dotted lines for the transition states:
1 Do use dotted lines for TSs (default)
0 Use solid lines for TSs
-u UNIT Plot PESs in unit:
KCAL kcal/mol (default)
KJ kJ/mol
AU Hartree
NB. See also -c option.
Technical options:
--help Help function (this message)
--version Display version (2025.02) of the pesplot tool
-dx DX Set distance (along X-axis) between stationary points (default 1.0)
-ddx DDX Set the width of the stationary points (default 0.5)
-gap GAP Set the gap-size between stationary points (default 0.5)
-dup DUP Set the size of white space above maximum energy value, per PES profile (default 2.0 [1])
-ddn DDN Set the size of white space below minimum energy value, per PES profile (default 2.0 [1])
-dy DY Vertical offset between labels
[1]: These default values (in kcal/mol) are automatically transformed,
if a different energy unit is chosen with -u option.