
Multi-level schemes

We're going to build a dipeptide, and inspect the effect of choosing the level of theory on the capping atoms.

  1. Import the coordinates of a cysteine dipeptide
  2. Choose the following setup:
    • XC functional: PBE (GGA)
    • Relativity: Scalar
    • Basis set: TZP
    • Frozen core: Small
    • Numerical quality: Good
  3. Select the sidechain, the Cα and Hα as one region, and the others as the other region
  4. Choose different setups:
    • Full QM
    • Region1(PBE) and Region2(MM-UFF)
    • Region1(PBE) and Region2(DFTB)
    • Region1(PBE) and Region2(LDA)
  5. Save
  6. Run


  1. Once the job has run, check the distances across the QM/QM or QM/MM boundary, and compare with the Full-QM results

Further reading
