
Energy Decomposition Analysis (EDA)

We're going to build a water dimer, where an attractive interaction takes place between the hydrogen-bond donor (left) and hydrogen-bond acceptor (right).

  1. Construct the water dimer by first building one water molecule within the GUI
  2. Select All, Copy+Paste, and move the second water molecule to the right to separate them
  3. Set the O-O distance to hydrogen-bonding distance (ca. 2.90 Å)
  4. Reorient the molecules such that a hydrogen-bonding orientation is obtained (or use these coordinates)
  5. Choose the following setup:
    • XC functional: S12g-D3 (GGA-D)
    • Relativity: Scalar
    • Basis set: TZ2P
    • Frozen core: Small
    • Numerical quality: Good
  6. Go to [Model]:[Regions]
  7. Select one molecule, and click on the [+] sign
  8. Select the other molecule, and click again on [+]
  9. Go to [Multilevel]:[Fragments], and select [Use fragments]:[Yes]
  10. Save
  11. Run


  1. Once the job has run, go to [SCM]:[Levels], to see how the molecular orbitals of the two fragments are combined into the MOs of the dimer
  2. Go to [SCM]:[Output] to see the output, and then go to [Properties]:[Bonding Energy Decomposition] to inspect the bonding energy (-5.5 kcal·mol-1)

Further reading
