

program to compute molecular polarizabilities, using Thole's empirical model (and modifications of it)
Current version: 2025.01 (shared with CC-BY-NC license). See also all python tools and software pages.

The \(polar\) program calculates molecular polarizabilities from atomic coordinates only, based on van Duijnen/Swart's modification of Thole's model, Jensen's model, or more recent (unpublished) models.

Relevant papers



\(polar\) input (this will provide an "input.out" file with the results)

How to set up the input

See the input description on the right, and the options page.

Example input/output files


  • Options should be placed on the first line, which can be extended with additional lines by specifying an ampersand '&' at the end of line(s).
  • ② The molecular data should start with a line for each molecule that starts with \(MOLECULE\), followed by up to six real values (vide infra) and the name of the molecule. If only one real value is given, it is used for the reference molecular polarizability; if three values are given, then these are used as the reference (X, Y, Z) components of the molecular polarizability; if six values are given, then these are used for the 3x3 molecular polarizability tensor (XX, XY, YY, XZ, YZ, ZZ).
  • ③ Then for each atom in the molecule a (free formatted) line with the X, Y and Z coordinate (in Bohrs if \(iunit\) = 0, in Angstroms if \(iunit\) = 1).