September 7-11 (2025)
Belgrade, Serbia |
7th EuChemS Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EICC7)
Keynote talk: "TBA" |
July 28-August 1 (2025)
Long Beach, CA, USA |
21st International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC21)
Invited talk: "TBA" |
August 25-30 (2024)
Paris, France |
15th International Conference on Density Functional Theory (DFT2024)
Invited talk: "Benchmarking dioxygen complexes: coupled cluster and density functional theory" |
August 25-29 (2024)
Münster, Germany |
17th European Biologic Inorganic Chemistry conference (EuroBic)
Invited Keynote talk: "Nonheme FeIV=O complexes: New twists to a never ending story" |
July 28-August 3 (2024)
Fort Collins (CO), USA |
45th International Coordination Chemistry Conference (ICCC2024)
Invited talk: “Regioselective reactivity of unsymmetrical copper complexes” |
June 17-19 (2024)
Copenhagen, Denmark |
Contemporary Coordination Chemistry Copenhagen (C4)
Invited talk: "Nonheme FeIV=O complexes: New twists to a never ending story" |
June 2-6 (2024)
Sète, France |
Chemistry@Sete: Challenges in Computational Homogeneous Catalysis
Invited talk: "Regioselective reactivity of unsymmetrical copper complexes" |
September 3-7 (2023)
Vienna, Austria |
6th EuChemS Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EICC6)
Invited talk: "Computational Tools For Designing New Catalysts: Opportunities And Challenges", a.k.a. "A new twist to an old story" |
August 29-September 1 (2023)
Warsaw, Poland |
6th Quantum Bio-Inorganic Chemistry meeting (QBIC-VI)
Invited talk: "Pushing the Limits of Quantum Mechanics in Predicting Bio·Inorganic Reactivity" |
July 6-7 (2023)
Minnesota (MN), USA |
LQ Fest: 40 Years of Fun with Iron Chemistry
Invited talk: "Bridging the Gap between Theory and Experiment in Bioinorganic Chemistry" |
August 28-September 2 (2022)
Rimini, Italy |
44th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC2020)
Invited talk: "Effect of ligand modification on the reactivity of non-heme FeIV-oxo complexes" |
Reykjavik, Iceland |
Invited talk: "Cancelled due to COVID" |
January 19-24 (2020)
Ventura (CA), USA |
Metals in Biology Gordon Research Conference (GRC-2020)
Invited Late Breaking talk: "The missing link: Theory to match chemdraw with spectroscopy" |
December 9-12 (2019)
Helsinki, Finland |
35th Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry 2019: Inorganic Chemistry, Helsinki (FI)
Invited lectures: "Spin-state consistent density functionals", "Oxidation states", "Chemical bonding analysis" |
August 11-16 (2019)
Interlaken, Switzerland |
19th International Conference on
Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC-19)
Invited talk: "Linking Spectroscopy to Chemical Structures of Short-Lived Species" |
May 21-25 (2019)
Parry Sound, Canada |
7th Georgian Bay International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (CanBic-7)
Invited talk: "Bond orders in transition-metal chemistry" |
May 3 (2019)
Groningen, Netherlands |
Mini-Symposium Theoretical Chemistry, Univ. Groningen
Invited talk: "Spin-states vs. barriers in short-lived transition-metal species" |
November 27-30 (2018)
Barcelona, Spain |
Annual Joint Meeting Academia Euopaea and Young Academy of Europe (Building Bridges)
Invited talk: "Spinning from north to south: ácollaborative COST approach in transition-metal chemistry" |
September 3-6 (2018)
Bath, UK |
Quantum Bio-Inorganic Chemistry meeting (QBIC-IV)
Invited talk: "Reactive high-valent transition-metal complexes" |
July 17-19 (2018)
Toledo, Spain |
11th Congress on Electronic Structure Principles and Applications (ESPA'2018)
Invited talk: "Characterization and prediction of short-lived transition-metal species" |
July 2-5 (2018)
Munich, Germany |
International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICCP-10) "High-Valent Metal-Oxo and Their Precursor Macrocyclic Complexes: Structure and Reactivity" Symposium Invited talk: "Characterization and prediction of short-lived transition-metal species" |
June 18-23 (2018)
Menton, France |
16th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry (ICQC)
Invited talk: "Decomposing oxidation catalysis" |
November 27-28 (2017)
Stockholm, Sweden |
"Missions of Universities over Time: Global Actors, National Champions or Local Power Houses?" conference (Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities)
Invited talk: "Young Scholars and the Modern University" |
November 10 (2017)
Lyon, France |
DFT-2017: Development and Application of Density Functional Theory. A meeting in honor of Prof. emeritus Henry Chermette
Invited talk: "Density Functional Approximations: Past, Present, Future" |
August 27- September 1 (2017)
München, Germany |
WATOC 2017
Invited talk: "Characterization of reactive high-valent transition-metal complexes" |
June 22-25 (2017)
Putten, Netherlands |
FemEx 2017: Promoting female excellence in theoretical and computational chemistry
Invited Keynote talk: "Spin state consistent density functionals" |
June 5-9 (2017)
Smolenice Castle, SK |
International Conference on Coordination and Bioinorganic Chemistry
Invited Plenary talk: "The inner side of high-valent metal-oxo reactivity" (Session leader) |
March 6-8 (2017)
Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands |
Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference (N3C)
Invited Keynote talk: "The inner side of high-valent metal-oxo reactivity" |
March 2 (2017)
Utrecht, Netherlands |
PAC Symposium
Invited Plenary talk: "Transition-metal chemistry: a new spin" |
October 26-28 (2016)
Kyoto, Japan |
Japan-France-Spain symposium on theoretical and computational chemistry for complex systems
Invited talk: "Spinning around in transition-metal chemistry" |
September 4-8 (2016)
Krakow, Poland |
VII Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry conference
Invited Plenary talk: "Spinning around in transition-metal chemistry" (Session leader) |
June 10-11 (2016)
Kragujevac, Serbia |
53rd Annual meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society
Invited Plenary talk: "Spinning around in transition-metal chemistry" |
June 29-July 1 (2015)
Paris, France |
CECAM Workshop: Modeling activity vs. selectivity in metalloproteins
Invited talk: "Spin and oxidation states in enzymatic catalysis and biomimetic complexes" |
April 16-17 (2015)
Lisboa, Portugal |
Final Meeting of COST Action CM1003
Invited talk: "Spin states of (Lewis-acid capped) high-valent transition-metal complexes: A challenge" |
June 30-July 3 (2014)
Girona, Spain |
XI Girona Seminar
(Session leader) Invited talk: "Spin states in metal, carbon-metal and metal-sulfur clusters" |
February 18-20 (2014)
Amsterdam, Netherlands |
ADF Developer Workshop, SCM
Invited talk: "A bit of many things" |
August 19-23 (2013)
Leiden, Netherlands |
Seminar at DFT-based Multilayer Methods for Nanoscale Systems
Invited talk: "Multi-level QM/MM and QM/QM methods" |
May 21-26 (2013)
Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada |
4th Georgian Bay International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry
(Session leader) Invited talk: "New advances in spin-states in biochemistry and inorganic chemistry" |
June 21-23 (2012)
Los Angeles, USA |
Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics of Chemical and Biological Reactivity
Invited talk: "Chemical reactivity of Endohedral Fullerenes" |
May 10 (2012)
Girona, Spain |
December 5-9 (2011)
Riviera Maya, Mexico |
XXXVII Congreso de Químicos Teóricos
de Expresión Latina (QUITEL)
Invited talk: "Chemical bonding in supermolecular flowers" |
July 25-28 (2011)
Valencia, Spain |
XXXIII Reunión Bienal de RSEQ
Invited talk: "Fullerene reactivity: what can be learned from computational studies" |
June 21-22 (2011)
Tarragona, Spain |
XXVII Reunió Anual de la XRQTC
Invited talk: "Recent advances with the SSB-D functional" |
October 18-20 (2010)
Girona, Spain |
Girona Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry 2010
Invited talk: "Improved density functional for biological applications (SSB-D)" |
July 5-8 (2010)
Girona, Spain |
IX Girona seminar on
Electron Density, Density Matrices, and Density Functional Theory
Invited talk: "(revised) SSB-D: A new functional for biological applications" Dedicated to 70th birthday of Prof. Ramon Carbó-Dorca |
September 29 - October 3 (2009)
Rhodos, Greece |
ICCMSE"09 conference
Invited talk: "The chemical reactivity of Ng2@C60 species (Ng=He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe)" Invited talk: "A new DFT functional based on spin-states and SN2 barriers" Invited talk: "Accurate description of spin states and its implications for catalysis" |
September 23 (2009)
Santander, Spain |
2nd User Meeting of la
Red Española de Supercomputación (RES)
Invited talk: "The antioxidant effects of C60 derivatives. A DFT study of the reaction mechanism" |
September 2-6 (2008)
Wroclaw, Poland |
9th European
Biological Inorganic Chemistry (EuroBic) conference
Invited Keynote talk: "Accurate spin-state energies for first-row transition metal complexes" |
July 3-7 (2006)
Leiden, Netherlands |
Progress in ab initio modeling of biomolecules: methods and applications workshop
Invited talk: "Computational study on the structure of DNA" |
October 21-25 (2005)
Loutraki, Greece |
ICCMSE"05 conference
Invited talk: "Computational study on structure and replication of DNA" |
August 28-September 1 (2005)
Washington DC, USA |
ADF workshop at 230th ACS meeting
Invited talk: "Applications of ADF: NMR of DNA, accuracy of geometries, polarizabilities, solvent effects" |
February 9-10 (2004)
Lecce, Italy |
SAMBA Workshop on self assembly of proteins on metal surfaces
Invited talk: "Modelling active sites: Density Functional Theory applied to metalloproteins" |
May 24-30 (2003)
Tokyo-Yokohama-Sendai, Japan |
Lecture series on ADF
Invited talk: "The art of QM/MM. Implementation and applications" |
November 28-30 (2001)
Leiden, Netherlands |
Theoretical Workshop on "Modelling, Quantum Chemistry, Molecular Dynamics, and Spectroscopy of
Blue Copper Proteins and their Protein Matrices"
Invited talk: "Protein active site geometries obtained by a QM/MM approach. DFT applied to azurin" |
May 28-31 (2001)
Oulu, Finland |
QM/MM workshop
Invited talk: "Improving the description of active sites of proteins" |
November 26 (2024)
Brussels, Belgium |
Virtual seminar (Capita selecta) research group Prof. Frank DE PROFT
Invited talk: "Benchmarking dioxygen complexes: coupled cluster and density functional theory" |
November 9-10 (2023)
Oslo, Norway |
Young Researcher Parliament program of the Hylleraas Centre (H. Kneiding and M. de Giovanetti)
Invited talk: "My career so far" Invited talk: "A new twist to old stories" |
March 22 (2023)
Odense, Denmark |
Chemistry Dept. Southern University of Denmark (Prof. C. McKenzie)
Invited talk: "From molecules to materials: insights into complex chemical systems" |
December 6 (2022)
Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Software for Chemistry and Materials (SCM)
Invited talk: "PBE: full of flaws or full of opportunities?" |
November 25 (2021)
online |
Chemistry Dept., Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (Prof. P. Gupta)
Invited talk: "A quantum-chemical view of oxidation catalysis" |
May 20 (2021)
online |
Chemistry Dept., LMU Univ. Munich (Prof. I. Ivanovic-Burmazovic)
Invited talk: "Decomposing and rebuilding catalysts" |
October 15 (2020)
online |
Materials Science Dept., Univ. Oxford (Prof. N. Grobert)
Invited talk: "The inner side of nanomaterials: from chemical bonds to growth of nanotubes" |
May 21 (2020)
online |
Chemistry Dept., Univ. Sheffield (Prof. A. Meijer)
Invited talk: "Two sides of the same story: time-resolved spectroscopy and theory applied to the activation of [FeII(N4Py)]2+" |
March 11 (2020)
Bayreuth, Germany |
Physics Dept., Univ. Bayreuth (Prof. S. Kümmel)
Invited talk: "The missing link between spectroscopy and chemdraw" |
November 5 (2019)
Leuven, Belgium |
Chemistry Dept., Univ. Leuven (Prof. D. Escudero)
Invited talk: "Two sides of the same story: time-resolved spectroscopy and theory applied to the activation of [FeII(N4Py)]2+" |
January 14 (2019)
Odense, Denmark |
Chemistry Dept. Southern University of Denmark (Prof. C. McKenzie)
Invited talk: "Characterization and prediction of short-lived transition-metal species" |
November 9 (2018)
Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Chemistry Dept. UvA (Prof. Bas de Bruin)
Invited talk: "Reactive high-valent transition-metal complexes" |
February 21 (2018)
Stuttgart, Germany |
Max Planck Institute for Solid State research (Prof. Ali Alavi)
Invited talk: "Characterization of reactive high-valent transition-metal complexes by spectroscopy and theory" |
January 25 (2018)
Padova, Italia |
Frontiers in Chemistry seminar, Univ. Padova
Invited talk: "Characterization of reactive high-valent transition-metal complexes" |
March 10 (2017)
Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Research visit Bickelhaupt Lab
Invited talk: "Transition-metal chemistry: a new spin" |
February 14 (2017)
Perugia, Italy |
Research visit Belanzoni Lab
Invited talk: "Transition-metal chemistry: a new spin" |
December 19 (2016)
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona |
Life Sciences Seminar
Invited talk: "Accelerated spinning around in (bio)chemistry" |
October 31 (2016)
Seoul, Korea |
Visit to Center for Biomimetic Systems (Prof. Wonwoo Nam)
Invited talk: "Spinning around in transition-metal chemistry" |
June 22 (2016)
Stockholm, Sweden |
Visit to KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Theor. Chem. (Ahlquist)
Invited talk: "Spinning around in transition-metal chemistry" |
May 11 (2015)
Groningen, Netherlands |
Visit to Browne Lab at University of Groningen
Invited talk: "Catalase activity of MnIII complexes" |
February 23 (2015)
Delft, Netherlands |
Visit to Dept. Chemical Engineering (TU Delft)
Invited talk: "Molecular modeling of biological and chemical processes" |
February 24 (2014)
Groningen, Netherlands |
Visit to Theoretische Chemie group, RuG
Invited talk: "Spin states of transition-metal complexes: A challenge" |
November 7-8 (2013)
Uppsala, Sweden |
Research visit Kamerlin Lab
Invited talk: "Spin states of transition-metal complexes: A challenge" |
October 23 (2013)
Dublin, Ireland |
Research visit University College Dublin
Invited talk: "Spin states of transition-metal complexes: A challenge" |
April 9-16 (2013)
Belgrade, Serbia |
Research visit Gruden Lab,
Chemistry Dept.
Invited talk: "A new family of hybrid functionals" |
March 8 (2013)
Berlin, Germany |
Kaupp Lab at TU Berlin
Invited talk: "Spin states of (bio)inorganic systems: successes and pitfalls" |
October 19 (2012)
Tarragona, Spain |
Research visit ICIQ
Invited talk: "Chemical reactivity of Endohedral Fullerenes" |
October 17 (2012)
Barcelona, Spain |
Research visit IQTCUB
Invited talk: "Chemical reactivity of Endohedral Fullerenes" |
May 22-29 (2012)
Belgrade, Serbia |
Research visit Gruden Lab,
Chemistry Dept., University of Belgrade Invited talk: "Modeling of biological and chemical processes" |
March 13-16 (2011)
Tromsø, Norway |
Research visit Ghosh Lab
Invited talk: "Improved density functional for biological applications (SSB-D)" |
February 24 (2011)
Groningen, Netherlands |
Visit to Theoretische Chemie group, RuG
Invited talk: "Improved density functional for biological applications (SSB-D)" |
May 14 (2010)
Barcelona, Spain |
LifeSciences Seminar
at BSC Life Sciences
Invited talk: "(revised) SSB-D: A new functional for biological applications" |
June 27 (2008)
Rochester (NY), USA |
Research visit to Bren Lab
Invited talk: "Accurate spin-state energies" |
December 20 (2006)
Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Theoretische Chemie, VU Amsterdam
Invited talk: "Improved geometry optimization techniques for the study of metal-ligand bonding in metallocenes" |
September 2 (2005)
Philadelphia, USA |
University of Philadelphia
Invited talk: "Applications of ADF: NMR of DNA, accuracy of geometries, polarizabilities, solvent effects" |
May 11 (2005)
Leiden, Netherlands |
Theoretische Chemie Universiteit Leiden
Invited talk: "NMR and H-bonding of DNA vs. RNA and Spin ground states of iron complexes" |
September 30 (2004)
Girona, Spain |
Institut de Química Computacional
Invited talk: "Spin ground states of iron complexes and Does NMR probe the hydrogen bond strength of DNA/RNA ?" |
April 2 (2004)
La Jolla, USA |
Scripps Institute
Invited talk: "Density Functional Theory applied to iron complexes and proteins" |
March 21 (2003)
Auburn, USA |
Visit to McKee Lab at University of Auburn
Invited talk: "A QM/MM study on the catalytic cycle of cytochrome P450" |
December 3 (2001)
Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Theoretical Chemistry, VU Amsterdam
Invited talk: "Protein active site geometries obtained by a QM/MM approach. DFT applied to azurin" |
August 21-25 (2023)
Lausanne, Switzerland |
CECAM Flagship Workshop "Accelerating Improvements in Density Functional Theory"
Contributed talk: "A flexible form of the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof functional" |
January 30-31 (2023)
Barcelona, Spain |
1st Reunió de Química Teòrica i Computacional of the Catalan Chemical Society
Contributed talk: "Crossing the bridge from homogeneous catalysis to solid state physics" |
September 1-5 (2019)
Perugia, Italy |
12th European Conference on Computational Theoretical Chemistry (EUCO-CTC 2019)
Contributed talk: "Linking Spectroscopy to Chemical Structures of Short-Lived Species" |
March 18-22 (2019)
Lausanne, Switzerland |
CECAM Workshop "Improving the theory in DFT"
Contributed talk: "Spin-states vs. barriers in short-lived transition-metal species" |
August 26-30 (2018)
Liverpool, UK |
7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress
Contributed talk: "Characterization and prediction of short-lived transition-metal species" |
June 23-25 (2016)
Uppsala, Sweden |
Empirical Valence Bond workshop: Advancing the Frontiers of (Bio)Chemistry with Valence Bond Approaches
Contributed talk: "The role of spin states in the catalytic mechanism of intra- and extradiol cleavage of catechols" (Session leader) |
March 13-17 (2016)
San Diego, USA |
251st National Meeting of the American Chemical Society
Contributed talk: "Exchange Interactions in Transition-Metal Reactivity: The Catalase Activity of Mn-Salen Complexes" Contributed talk: "Effect of Lewis Acids on Transition Metal Complexes" |
December 13-22 (2015)
Honolulu, Hawaii |
Pacifichem: International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2015
Contributed talk: "Effect of Lewis acids on oxidation states of transition-metals" Contributed talk: "Catalase activity of MnIII complexes" |
August 31-Sept 4 (2015)
Debrecen, Hungary |
16th International Conference on Density Functional Theory
Contributed talk: "Exchange interactions in transition-metal reactivity" |
September 28-October 1 (2014)
Anglet, France |
Annual meeting of the French BioInorganic Chemistry group (FrenchBIC)
Contributed talk: "Catalase activity of MnIII complexes" |
August 24-28 (2014)
Zurich, Switzerland |
12th EuroBic conference
Contributed talk: "Cobalt-coordination and oxidation state in a heterobimetallic complex" |
February 4 (2014)
Bilbao, Spain |
2nd Society Meeting of GEQB (RSEQ)
Contributed talk: "Characterization of redox-active copper proteins" |
October 29-30 (2013)
Modena, Italy |
First International Workshop on Protein Electron Transfer
Contributed talk: "Characterization of redox-active copper proteins" |
September 9-13 (2013)
Durham, UK |
15th International Conference on Density Functional Theory
Contributed talk: "Spin states of transition-metal complexes: A challenge" |
July 22-26 (2013)
Grenoble, France |
16th International Conference on BioInorganic Chemistry (ICBIC16)
Contributed talk: "A change in oxidation state of iron: scandium is not innocent" |
August 31 - September 4 (2009)
Lyon, France |
DFT2009 conference
Contributed talk: "A new DFT functional based on spin-states and SN2 barriers" |
July 7-10 (2008)
Girona, Spain |
VIIth Girona seminar
Contributed talk: "Accurate spin-state energies" |
March 31-April 2 (2008)
Cardiff, Wales |
MGMS Spring Meeting on Bioinorganic Chemistry
(Session leader) Contributed talk: "Accurate spin-state energies" |
January 9-12 (2008)
Barcelona, Spain |
37th Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Group Meeting
Contributed talk: "Accurate spin-state energies" |
July 10-13 (2006)
Girona, Spain |
VII Girona Seminar on the Nature of the Chemical Bond
Contributed talk: "Computational study on the structure of DNA" |
September 22-23 (2005)
Stuttgart, Germany |
Transnational Access Meeting
for HPC-Europa projects
Contributed talk: "Energy landscapes of bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2) reactions: Contributed talk: A comparison of density functional theory and coupled cluster methods" |
August 28-September 1 (2005)
Washington DC, USA |
COMP/INOR division at 230th ACS meeting
Contributed talk: "Energy landscapes of bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2) reactions: A comparison of density functional theory and coupled cluster methods" Contributed talk: "Relaxed spin states of iron complexes: The case for OPBE" |
March 28-April 1 (2004)
Anaheim, USA |
INOR division at 227th ACS Meeting
Contributed talk: "A QM/MM study on the catalytic cycle of cytochrome P450: Contributed talk: The importance of selecting an appropriate Density Functional Theory functional" |
March 23-30 (2003)
New Orleans, USA |
INOR division at 225th ACS Meeting
Contributed talk: "A QM/MM study of cytochrome P450: Contributed talk: The influence of the enzyme environment on specific steps in the catalytic cycle" |
October (2000)
Vlaardingen, Netherlands |
NWO / Unilever meeting
Contributed talk: "Force field parameters from Density Functional Theory: application to modelling of redox potential in Azurin" |